I have started writing again, and this will be the place where i publish some of the things!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A note a friend from my past-unfinished

Dear Nathan,

So I was looking over my old emails that we exchanged way back in 2003 when I was at Millar, and I am compelled to tell you how I feel. I can’t believe that it has been over seven years since that time. I also can’t believe everything that has happened in the past years…

Where to start…

First off I want to say thank you for the friendship back then. I don’t know if I ever told you just how much your friendship meant. I thank you for the support of many years, for encouraging me and allowing God to use you to do so. You and Renee as well as a few others were the vessels that God used to help me to not only get to Millar but to make it through a year of Bible College. One thing I remember that you said along time ago was that “years from now, you will know why you were there” Well I can say now that I totally understand what you meant back then. I just took a Greek class at the Baptist Church (the church I attend now) and was amazed of a lot of things I took at school came back to me. It was really encouraging to know that even though it was along time ago I did learn things at Millar and could recall them. It was also a reassurance that I was suppose to go there. I gained so much more that at the time I had no idea, but years from then I understand and am very thankful.

Secondly, I am not proud of some of the things I have done in the past years. I am sad that I have lost some very important people in my life. But I am also learning that sometimes people are just meant to come into ones life for a season. That season can be long or short, but in the end it was suppose to be that way. God will continue to put new people into your lives or teach you the valuable lessons if you just allow Him. When I think back to the things I am not proud of I can’t say that they shouldn’t have happened. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that God is always there. I have learned some very valuable lessons. One is to never take things for granted; most importantly that is your faith. A person may look and act the part, but if they are not living it 100% then it really is a waste and they are only lying to God, and in the end God will judge them accordingly.

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