I have started writing again, and this will be the place where i publish some of the things!

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Window Into the World

A window in the world...

Take an ORDINARY day with ORDINARY people and ask yourself how ORDINARY is it really.
Everyone is the same.. but when u look closer you will see that they are all different, not as ORDINARY as u may think or see.

Walk a day in someone elses shoes and you will realize things u never thought before. U will realize that the person sitting all alone has more friends then the seemingly popular girls gosiping in the corner.  U will notice that the person who smiles all the time really goes home and cries themselves to sleep every night. Or the person that may look sad is really the happiest person out there.

When you look will see that people are still the same. They all long to be loved whether by a signifiant other, or something else like a dog. Everyone longs to be wanted, to feel needed even if its just the simple thing of you having to feed the fish and knowing the fish will die if you forget to feed them its all on you.

Everyone also has fears that haunt them in the night even if your not aware of them. They could be something like dying or the fear of the unknown or fearing you'll be alone forever. Either way everyone has fears and its something that now one ever talks about. You should be able to talk to the stranger and say "what are you afraid of" and have them answer honestly, but nope they would look at you like your the crazy one for wanting to understand ur fears.

Its not really and ORDINARY day really, cuz when you take a look at someone and somethings, you will realize that ordianary doesnt really exsist.

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